Wednesday, 19 February 2014

5 Financial Emergencies to Have a Credit Card For

Your credit card can truly act as Providence and savior to cope up with financial emergencies although it should not be a source that you rely upon solely for such critical situations. The good angel may have often pestered you to save for your rainy days but coping with financial emergencies means having quite a handsome amount as emergency fund which takes time to accumulate. However, emergencies can crop up anytime- you might have lost your job or compelled to be homebound because of a mishap and to wade over the financial crises which arise in these situations a credit card can act as a handy tool.

Medical Emergency
: Medical emergencies are something you cannot afford to procrastinate just because you do not have sufficient funds. Yet, a surgery or hospitalization can drain your financial resources completely whereby, using a card can be a more flexible alternative which gives you the opportunity to make the payments at the instance.

Utility Bills: When emergencies crop up between paychecks and you are left with no money to pay for your electricity, gas, water or phone bills a card can be used for the same and avoid hassles of interrupted supply of such crucial services.

Mortgage or Rent: Your mortgage or rent money is not a small amount and there may be instances where all your finances get exhausted meeting other needs. However, paying the rentals or mortgage amount on-time is important to stave off from your landlord’s persistent phone calls or to keep your mortgage account clear of any defaults. A credit card can come of immense help to pay off the amount which you can repay at your convenience later.

School and Tuition Costs: As a parent not being able to pay your child’s schooling cost is surely the last thing you would want to happen. Yet, if such emergency arises where you are running out of cash at the moment, make the best use of the card in your pocket to provide your little ones the right they deserve.

: Finally, any costs related to your business or work such as repairing your car or the house you use for rental purposes can be met by using the credit card and making payments on time.

For consumer loans and cards at the most affordable rates of interests, look nowhere beyond Atlanticus for a customer service experience par excellence.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

5 Myths And Facts About Credit Scores

You might have conveniently overlooked the three-digit number that rules over your wallet, but the indubitable fact remains that your credit score plays a crucial role in your life deciding a number of things- the amount you pay for mortgage or car loan, the interest rates and so on. The score depicts your credit-worthiness or your capability to pay back loans responsibly and without faltering and hence, knowing some facts about this score is imperative to stave off from blemishing it unknowingly.

Myth 1: Credit Score is the only determinant of whether one gets credit

Fact: While credit score is truly something which credit lenders look into while approving loans, it is but only one of the determinants. There are several other things which are taken into consideration as well such as the amount of existing debts, the amount of additional debt that you can manage comfortably with your income as well as the particular underwriting policies of the organization.

Myth 2: Dealing with Cash-Only purchases will help get a good score

Fact: A good credit score is a reflector of your credit history which in turn looks into how you make responsible use of the credit that is available to you. If you choose to make only cash purchases and do not apply for credit anytime you would not have any credit history and your score will be comparatively lower than one who has credit and yet shows a record of consistent and regular on-time payments.

Myth 3: Too many cards affect your score negatively

Fact: Contrary to what it was believed previously credit connoisseurs now state that having a number of cards is an indication of your credit handling capacity which you have done satisfactorily and responsibly for which so many lenders could entrust you with cards after reviewing your past payment records.

Myth 4: Credit Bureaus are always right when determining scores
Fact: A study by the U.S. Public Interest Research Groups almost 8 out 10 credit reports issued by Credit Bureau possess some serious mistakes which can affect one’s scores negatively. Hence, it is important to examine reports from time to time and get the errors rectified as soon as possible.

Myth 5: Checking your credit history affects your score
Fact: While multiple queries done on one credit history can be an indication of your inclination to shoulder more debts, FICO also considers that some consumers may simply be researching for the best rates available in the market and hence approaching various lenders who will consequently carry out checks individually. If all the check requests have been done within a two-week time frame it will not affect your score negatively as it would be seen as a single inquiry.

Looking for a credit offering or a consumer loan? Atlanticus can prove to be your reliable partner in proffering easy credit with affordable rates of interest even with a bad credit history.